Saturday 9 July 2016

Do you Know? Have ever DNA sequenced in space?

DNA sequencing using Sanger method is expensive and time consuming. Also requires bulky and expensive experiences. Needs certain environmental conditions to perform sequencing. But, for the first time DNA sequencing was done in space on June 23, 2016 by NASA using the Biomolecular Sequencer. The principal investigator of this project was Aaron Burton, PhD, NASA JSC, United States.

The Biomolecular sequencer is the device which is thumb-drive sized with the dimenstion of 9.5 X 3.2 X 1.6 centimeters. The weight of the sequencer is less than 120 grams along with the USB cable. The technology implemented in the sequencer are on the nanometer scale. So it is also called as MiniON. The sequencer can be charged only through the laptop or tablet via USB cable. The flow cells, to which the samples are added need to be replace within every 60 days. 

                                          Biomolecular sequencer (MiniON)

The DNA sequencing in the zero gravity could useful in the identification of microbes, helpful in the detection of DNA based life elsewhere in the space, also to understand the space crew members health and diagnose the disease. The sequencing in space could be useful for monitoring the changes in DNA of astronauts. The first sequencing result from the space is not yet published publicly.

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