Tuesday 12 July 2016

Fact: Butterflies taste with their Feet

Butterflies exists in the world, about 56 million years ago. They are part of the class "Insects". There are four different stages of life cycle in Butterfly. They are Egg, Larvae, Pupa and adult. Before putating, they grow several thousand times from caterpillar. The generation time of the butterflies are vary with the place where they are in. For example, butterflies in the cold region takes several year for a single generation but the tropic region butterflies have several generation in a single year. The butterflies are polymorphic. They possess different characters and structures to evade their predators. But the one common thing among the butterflies are, they taste with their feet.

The taste receptors of butterflies are present on their feet. Because butterflies do not have mouths but they have the long straw like structure called Proboscis. They use to drink the juices from flower. They can't bite or chew their food, feel the taste by standing over it. By standing on the leaf, they know that those leaves are good for laying eggs or not and also sense that they have enough food for their caterpillars. Usually butterflies lay up to 500 eggs. 

According to Lafcadio Heardon (Japan mythology), the butterflies are the personification of a human soul. In some mythologies, butterflies are the sign of rebirth. But, Omen mythology consider the butterflies are apparition to be potent of coming evil. 

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